Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Anointing of Dotty and Joan, May 1, 2024

Anointing of Dotty and Joan, May 1, 2024

Music: Sending You Light by Melanie DeMore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSNQFstyu_s

Bridget Mary:

Holy One, you hold us all in the embrace of your creative Love.  Today we tenderly pray for our dear friends and sisters Dotty and Joan, as they journey back to wholeness and health and prepare for a continued journey of shared love for one another.  We offer them our loving prayers and anoint them for strength and healing on the journey.

Mary T

Today, as you face health challenges and will face other life challenges you may encounter, we as individuals and as your beloved Holy Pod community offer our own gifts and strengths to you.  We pray that the Spirit of the Holy One guide your path both individually and together as you move forward in your calling and love for one another.  We surround you with our loving thoughts as we bless you. 

Joan C: Blessing:   

Please raise your hands as we bless Dotty and Joan together in prayer:

May the Wholeness from which creation sprang wrap you in wholeness, holiness, and healing.  May the Love that made the universe and placed you within it wrap you in a healing embrace.  May the Boundless energize you for the journey ahead.  May you know how deeply you are loved and treasured as beloved members of our Holy Pod.  


Bridget Mary 

Holy One, it is in you that we live, move, and have our being.  You call us all to wholeness and health in your kin-dom. In your name, Jesus, we anoint Dotty and Joan today and ask that they be filled to overflowing with peace, healing and strength now and in their life journey together.  Amen.

(Dotty and Joan are anointed with Holy Chrism by Kathryn) (bmm will bring)


Dotty and Joan, we anoint you with the chrism of healing.  We call on our Beloved, the ever-present Holy One, to keep you safe and sound, and we pray that you face your journey protected from all harm and keep you free of anxiety. 

(During Anointing the community joins hands and connects to Dotty and Joan in a circle)

(After Anointing: we invite additional prayers for healing and blessings from all for Dotty and Joan)

Mary T:  

As we continue to bless Dotty and Joan in their walk toward healing, and wholeness, may the words of Jennifer Williamson bless us all with wisdom and endurance.

Joan: ”Healing is an honor, though perhaps one wrapped in darkness,

Like a star is."

Closing Song:  There is Only Love by Karen Drucker 


Wedding - Dotty and Joan - May 1, 2024


The Celebration of Marriage

Joan Pesce and Dotty Shugrue

May 1, 2024

Presiders:  The Sisters of the Holy Pod: Bridget Mary, Mary Theresa, Joan, and Kathryn

Bridget Mary

Dotty and Joanie, This first day of the Month of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, we are gathered to celebrate the love you share and to seal that love through the Sacrament of Marriage.  Your Sisters of the Holy Pod are your wedding party and your witnesses of this awesome celebration of the life and love you have shared for almost 30 years. Today you declare your love through the Sacrament of Marriage, creating a sacred union together.

Opening Song:  At Last by Celine Dion


Kathryn: Our Scripture Passage today is from 1 Corinthians 13:

If I speak in the tongues of all creatures of the earth or the spirits of the heavens, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  

All: Let it be So

Joan: The Promise by Heather Berry 

Within this blessed union of souls, where two hearts intertwine to become one, there lies a promise. Perfectly born, divinely created, and intimately shared, it is a place where the hope and majesty of beginnings reside; where all things are made possible by the astounding love shared by two spirits. As you hold each other’s hands in this promise, and eagerly look into the future in each other’s eyes, may your unconditional love and devotion take you to places where you’ve both only dreamed, where you will dwell for a lifetime of happiness sheltered in the warmth of each other’s love.

Mary Theresa: Declaration of Intent

Joanie and Dotty, Please respond together to the following:

Do you come here freely and without reservation to enter into marriage?

  I do.

 Do you commit yourselves today to an unending and unbreakable bonding of your love?

 I do. 

Will you continue to support one another in your spiritual life and through prayer, always united in your heart and soul? 

Yes, we will

Will you continue to honor each other’s freedom, to cherish and respect one another, to love and embrace one another in times of challenge as well as times of joy?

 Yes, we will

Joanie and Dotty, please express your love and commitment to and for one another by speaking your wedding vows.

Bridget Mary The Blessing and Exchange of rings: 

Joanie and Dotty, The wedding ring is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites you in endless love. It is a seal of the vows that you have made to one another today. May the rings continue to be a symbol of your unity, love and happiness for the rest of your lives. 

Dotty:   I place this ring on your finger as a daily reminder of the love we have shared for many years and now affirm through this Sacrament of Marriage, and our everlasting commitment to one another.

Joanie:  I place this ring on your finger as a daily reminder of the love we have shared for many years and now affirm through this Sacrament of Marriage, and our everlasting commitment to one another.

The Pronouncement

Bridget Mary:  The Spirit of Life and Love is evident in you.

May that Spirit continue to be expressed in the generosity of your love for one another and in your love for all whose lives you touch.


May a Spirit of gratitude, wonder and peace be the gifts you offer to all those who turn to you seeking a deeper understanding of the Divine.  

May your Sister’s of the Holy Pod and all those who have and will touch your lives be blest as you share love and support.

And may the faith and love you share with one another continue to be the foundation of your journey together for the rest of your lives and beyond.

You have promised your love and commitment to each other.  By the power vested in me through my priesthood in the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests and the State of Florida, and in the presence of your Sisters of the Holy Pod, who are here to witness your marriage, I joyfully pronounce you married for the rest of your life. 

Let it be So and So it is! Alleluia!

Closing Song:  Perhaps Love - Giert Clausen
